
Euroscreen Linea 2.35:1 Tab Tension ReAct 3.0 Smart

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Motordriven Tab Tension duk i 2.35:1 format. Tystgående smart motor och ReAct 3.0 duk.

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The Linea Tab Tension cassette has a uniquely designed shape which consists of gently rounded aluminium, with no exposed mounting fixtures or fasteners, and all attachment points are completely invisible.

The case is finished in white and the white heavy weight bottom dowel retracts completely inside the case when the screen is not in use. Thanks to the tensioning wires, which are integrated along the screen surfaces vertical edges, a fully flat screen surface can be obtained for many years in use. A perfectly flat screen surface is a requirement when using Short Throw projectors where the wide angled projector lens put higher demands on the quality of the projection screen.

* Tab Tension function for lay flat viewing surface
* Uniquely designed, gently rounded aluminium cassette
* Perfectly flat screen surface
* Easy to adjust surface flatness when required
* Bottom dowel retracts completely into case
* Heavy weight bottom dowel
* Case size (W x H): 121 x 153 mm
* Case length: screen width + 409 mm
* 4:3, 16:10, 16:9 and 2.35:1 with black borders all have 30 cm black drop as standard
* Please note: The Tab Tension surfaces are sensitive to heat and are not suitable as black-out, or sun protection. Do not install close to heat sources like radiators, amplifiers or turned on TV-sets.

ReAct 3.0
A few years ago, Euroscreen introduced the­ ­revolutionary­ screen surface ReAct. ReAct soon got very popular thanks to the high ­contrast ­features in combination with a competitive ­price. Through the years the surface has been ­upgraded­­ and improved thanks to new ­technology­, and now it’s time to present ReAct 3.0.

ReAct 3.0 is an unsupported, silver grey front projection surface with enhanced light control. The surface is slightly darker in colour than its predecessor, which eliminates ambient light even better, but at the same time the new ­surface will be better at filtering daylight and will project a brighter image. The coated structure and the new finish of the material boost colour contrast (­colour temp 6508 K) and black levels, and ­provide a full depth in the projected ­image. With an improved viewing angle you get an even better viewing ­experience, even in a ­brightly­ lit ­audience area. And with a gain of 1.0 and a viewing angle of 76°, ReAct 3.0 offers universal ­benefits, and is an excellent choice for many AV ­installations. The material is equally suitable for conference rooms as for home theatres.

ReAct 3.0 is Full HD and 4K compatible, and the flexible fabric ensures an excellent, flat viewing surface for fixed frame and Tab Tension screens. With a darker silver coloured material, the ­surface is even more suitable for use in bright areas than the previous versions of ReAct. Used in Tab ­Tension, the silver grey finish provides a ­natural framing of the projected image, even if you ­choose a screen without black borders. Without the permanent borders you get a projection screen that delivers a more flexible choice when it comes to choosing your projection format.

* Provides excellent image even in bright light
* Optimal colour rendition and full depth
* Full HD and 4K compliant
* Silver grey front projection surface
* Gain: 1.0
* Viewing angle: 76
* Thickness: 0.3 mm
* Suitable for the screen models Frame ­Vision Light, Frame Vision, Sesame 2.1 Tab Tension, Linea Tab Tension, Diplomat Tab Tension, Blackline Tab Tension


* Gain: 1.0
* Viewing Angle: 76°
* Thickness: 0.3 mm
* Material: Stretchable silver grey vinyl
* Lay Flat Quality: Excellent
* Flame Resistance: Yes
* Washable: No
* Special Features: Excellent colour contrast and black levels even in light environments, Full HD and 4K compliant

TUM              Dukstorlek               Bildyta
73 tum          180 x 110 cm          170 x 72,5 cm
81 tum          200 x 115 cm          190 x 81 cm
90 tum          220 x 125 cm          210 x 89,5 cm
98 tum          240 x 135 cm          230 x 98 cm
111 tum        270 x 145 cm          260 x 110 cm
124 tum        300 x 160 cm          290 x 123,5 cm

Läs mer på: www.euroscreens.se

Övrig information

Dukar 2.35:1

73 tum (170 x 72,5 cm), 81 tum (190 x 81 cm), 90 tum (210 x 89,5 cm), 98 tum (230 x 98 cm), 111 tum (260 x 110 cm), 124 tum (290 x 123,5 cm)



Euroscreen står för högkvalitativa och kundanpassade AV-produkter tillverkade i Sverige.
Inom varumärket hittar du ett stort urval av produkter med hjärtat inställt på kompletta lösningar av projektionsskärmar i offentliga miljöer, affärsområden och heminstallationer. Vi finjusterar våra produkter så att de passar till Hembiorummet och företaget, samtidigt som vi upprätthåller korta ledtider, hög kvalitet och konkurrenskraftiga priser. Euroscreen produkter kontrolleras och certifieras enligt följande miljöbestämmelser. Euroscreen produkter utvecklas och tillverkas av Draper Europe AB Som grundades 1902 och ligger i Indiana, USA.