Pass Labs X260.8
Mono/2-Kanaliga slutstegOBS! Pris per styck! Klass AB Mono-Block som går i Klass A upp till en viss nivå. Enorm strömstyrka med oöverträffad kontroll och kraftfullhet. 260w vid 8 ohm
OBS! Pris per styck!
The X260.8 is a refined musical instrument delivering 260 watts into 8 ohms, and combines power and finesse with all the benefits of mono-block performance. Its measured performance – distortion, bandwidth, noise, and resolution is beyond reproach. Like all of the class A/B .8’s, this amplifier has some class A bias, rewarding its listeners with a whole new zenith of sound quality.
* Class: AB
* Type: Mono
* Gain (dB): 26
* Full Pwr @ 26 dB gain (V): 2.2
* Low Frequency Response: 1.5 Hz
* High Frequency Response: 100 KHz
* Power Output /ch (8 ohm): 260
* Distortion (1 KHz, full power): 1%
* Input Impedance (SE & BAL Kohms): 50/100
* Damping Factor: 150
* Output Noise (uV): 200
* Current Draw @ Idle (Amps): 3.1
* Power Consumption (Watts): 375
* Temperature (deg C.): 53
* Number of Chassis: 1
* Mått per enhet (BXHXD): 48 x 23 x 54 cm.
* Vikt: 54kg
Läs mer på: www.passlabs.com