29,390kr – 52,790kr
Tellurium Q Silver Diamond RCA
Analoga SignalkablarTellurium Q Prisvärda signalkablar med som låter mycket bra.
The Silver Diamond RCA Interconnects were developed and designed after the Silver Diamond speaker cable to complement and reveal as much of that “world leading” performance as possible.
Although a relatively new addition to the Tellurium Q cable family matrix has already confirmed it’s position as our reference interconnect cable and will suit systems where detail and a full range, natural sound are important.
Silver Family: Totally uncoloured, acting as a wide open channel sounding unforced, vivid and dynamic with phenomenal resolution, transparency and natural tonal colours. All this while sounding extremely analog and coherent, from the exceptional top end extension to bottom with finely detailed, separated bass notes.
Läs mer på: https://telluriumq.com
Övrig information
Längd | 1,0m, 1,5m, 2,0m, 2,5m |
Tellurium Q