The phone cable is the most critical cable in a audio system with an analog source. To ensure that our phono cable meet our requirements to be a class leader in the reference segment, we used several external experts during the development phase. The result is a cable that can compete with any competitor in the market. Regardless of price point.
Moving coil cartridges delivers a very low signal level while moving magnet cartridges has a high output impedance. We took the challenge to be able to deliver very high performance with any type of cartridge. The high output impedance of MM cartridges enforce a very low cable capacitance. We use our latest generation of pure silver and reduced load capacitance geometry to get market leading performance. Regardless of price point. The result is a cable capacitance from only 24 pF/m depending on the choice of connectors.
The use of Zero technology for phono cables provides several advantages compared to traditional phono cables.
– Zero technology provides a shielding layer in itself. This without adding any capacitive load on the signal. The combination of good shielding and lowest possible capacitance is critical for the sound performance of a phono cable.
– Zero technology preserve the audio signal with a precision that is significantly more accurate than what traditional cable designs achieve. As signal losses that normally occurs due to polarization in the insulation material are cancelled by Zero technology, this cable delivers a new level of transparency with respect to level, timing and preservation of micro details.
5-pin DIN Connector
* Rhodium over silver plated oxygen free copper
* Teflon insulation
* Straight or 90 degree angled
RCA/XLR Connectors
* Rhodium/Gold over silver plated oxygen free copper
* Teflon insulation
Y-Spade Ground Connector
* Gold plated
* Shielding
* Very light and flexible
* Conductor of solid core high purity silver
* Patent pending Zero technology
* Separate ground cable
* 1.2 m length
* Price is per cable
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Kontakter | DIN-RCA, RCA-RCA, Vinklad DIN-RCA |